Accredited Business
Local roofers and contractors are all required to have a business license in the state of Oklahoma. The neighborhood handyman is very unlikely to have such a permit, and he won’t be liable for any shoddy work done or warranty service owed- that all comes out of you own pocket should things go wrong now or in the future.
Hiring an accredited, professional contractor is important and also very easy. Visiting the Better Business Bureau, Facebook, Yelp, or Google will give you a solid idea of who you are dealing with, and whether or not you can trust them with your business. If in doubt, ask for proof of their license. All members of Kennedy Roofing carry a printed copy of our license, like a second business card for us.
Licensed individuals must maintain their permit, and also perform exemplary work to maintain both their review status and customer satisfaction. There’s always a paper trail, or in this case a digital footprint a client can use to get a glance of the contractor they’re talking to. When in doubt, social media and search engines will shed light on any issues you may have.